Back to School Health Package

As summer break is coming to an end, we are starting to think about back to school time. For some kids this is an exciting time, for others this time is a struggle. If you are looking for a way to make the back to school transition easier you've come to the right place!

back to school

Does your child have any of the below?

  • Anxiety
  • Hyperactivity
  • Low energy
  • Trouble in school
  • Headaches
  • Stress
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Complains of aches and pains
  • There are m any naturopathic strategies to get to the bottom of these and other complaints. Be sure to mention them in our visit.

Then they need this program!

Get your child's health under control and get them at the top of their game, ready to jump into the school year!

Package includes:

  • 1 initial visit + 1 follow up visit

  • Full Naturopathic assessment including full physical, diet, and assess for possible nutrient depletions.

  • Individualized diet recommendations

  • BONUS: 3 part mini-series on Back to School Health, created by me.

  • Total package price = $400 ($500+ value)

Why your child needs this:

  • Get their nervous systems in balance!
  • Make sure they have the building blocks on board for a healthy brain and a growing body.
  • Get their digestive system working top notch so they are able to absorb what they are getting through their diet.
  • Address the stress of the back to school time now.
  • Assess for any underlying infections (Lyme, EBV) and whether anemia, heavy metals or other issues might be playing a part in their total picture. (labs not included)  

You might be thinking:

    • I don't have the time...
      • If you are concerned about time with your work schedule, just think what kind of time you'd have to take off if your child gets sick this school year! Start creating more health for your child now so they don't get sick later.
    • There's no way I'll get my kid to do this...
      • If you have difficult little one there are strategies I've used successfully with many other kids to make healthy changes. 
    • The school year has already started...
      • Don't worry! You can do this program at any time and still see incredible results.

    I take a holistic approach to pediatric care and use the most effective and gentle treatments available.