
I’m so grateful to my patients to allow me to do what I love - helping you find health. - Dr. Bernardy

I’m so grateful to my clients to allow me to do what I love. Thank you for allowing me to partner with you to stop struggling with your health and love life again. - Dr. Bernardy

I’m a mid-50’s woman. When I started I was overweight, had inflammation, was in pain, had sleep issues, and hormone imbalances. All of these things came on after menopause. I couldn’t hike anymore, one of my favorite things. I was worried I would have to retire early from a job I loved because of these issues. Ultimately I had no vision for my life.

In under 5 months I got my life back. I had a 90% improvement in my symptoms. I lost 20+ pounds. I could get up and down from the ground without pain. I could do the things I love more easily - travel, pickleball, meet up with girlfriends, more dates with my husband, and adventure more with my family.
— MG, nurse

After years of suffering overall malaise and GI issues I started a program with Dr. Bernardy and have found her approach safe, reliable and comprehensive. After only six weeks of the program I feel I have a much better understanding of what’s going on in my body and what I can do to improve my wellbeing. I feel more energized, less chronic pain, all my GI issues are improving and I feel I have more control over my health. Love it!

Miraculous Transformation
I began working with Dr Bernardy because I was feeling fatigued, overweight and depressed. A few months before starting the vital health program, I had made a hormone replacement change that really didn’t work for me and I felt hopeless that I’d ever feel good again. Thankfully I found a hormone replacement solution that did work and along with the weekly changes Dr Bernardy helped me to implement I began to notice shifts in a positive direction.

My weight loss was gradual and consistent. As my weight dropped off, my energy and mood improved and I began to recognize the person I saw in the mirror. I became so excited to create healthy, colorful, nutritious meals that fed more than just my body, they replenished my heart and my soul! I’ve even began making my own body/face lotion from one of Dr Bernardy’s recipes, so I know exactly what ingredients are in it and it makes my skin soft, supple and glowing.

One of my favorite parts of this program has been the [coaching meetings] with Dr Bernardy and her other clients. We practice mindfulness and breathing exercises and then share any wins, celebrations or questions we might have. I am astonished at the quick and accurate depth of knowledge Dr Bernardy has to offer on a wide variety of topics, I learn something new each time we meet!

I am so thankful for committing to this healing journey with Dr Bernardy, it’s been worth every penny to feel good again!
— AM

I had been suffering from mystery abdominal pain, and severe SIBO for years. I had a hard time digesting anything without bloating, discomfort, and constipation, and I was in constant pain. I had tried EVERYTHING – truly, every diet, cleanse, supplement, doctor, procedure (including exploratory surgery), therapy, everything. I was dependent on enzymes to digest my food (handfuls of pills before each meal). I went to Dr Bernardy with 2 goals: first, to heal my gut, and second, to optimize my fertility and get pregnant. After working with her, all of my GI symptoms are now gone, and I’m free to eat and live normally! And not only that… my husband and I just welcomed our healthy, happy baby girl. I had a perfect pregnancy – with perfect digestion throughout! – and I attribute that to the program I completed with Dr Bernardy, and the habits I implemented.
— BN

While I thought I ate pretty healthy and exercised moderately, I found my energy level lacking so I reached out to Dr. Bernardy for help. She put together a well-rounded program designed for my needs, providing the tools I needed to make in my diet, exercise and over-all health. I worked hard and stuck to the program, seeing results within a few weeks and continued throughout the program. My favorite part was all the educational information about food sources. The investment is so worth it if you’re committed to change!
— FR

“Dr. Bernardy was a healer to me in every sense of the word. She used technology, experience, wisdom and a gentle touch to ascertain the GI issues I was grappling with. She created an elegant treatment plan tailored to my busy schedule. The plan included the use of constitutional hydrotherapy which uses sine waves to stimulate circulation and the migrating motor complex. She also provided some very useful affirmations to use when my belly was especially upset, as well as some rescue homeopathy drops. She definitely helped with my long-term problem. Her smile and gentle touch are the very definition of the art of medicine.”

I’m a 54 year old woman who has spent most of my adult life educating myself to try and live the healthiest life possible. I’ve spent countless hours doing reading/research and going to doctors when I’ve needed to. Unfortunately I have still experienced health issues and I have repeatedly had little to no help from doctors over the years. I did not want to accept that this was the best my life could be. I was very frustrated and feeling hopeless when I met Doctor Jessica Bernardy. I was at the point of wondering what can I do now to improve my mental and physical well being. I felt stuck. Dr. Bernardy was the light I needed. She is a good listener, compassionate and knowledgeable in all things health. She has given me the insight, the confidence and the tools I need to continue my health journey. I am grateful that I met Dr. Bernardy.
— FB

“Dr. Jess is the second doctor I have ever completely trusted. She combines two very important traits: compassion and a desire to constantly be learning. All docs are smart, but few have the ability to connect with their patients, and few keep learning and seeking knowledge after their rigorous schooling. I was blessed to grow up with impeccable naturopathic care at the Windrose Clinic with Dr. Letitia Dick-Kronenberg. Now, I am glad to have someone who is closer to my home who practices that style of medicine and I can trust just as much!”

I have been a patient of Dr. Jessica Bernardy’s for ~6 months now, and it has been life changing! She has helped me get my diet, lifestyle, stress/anxiety in order, and recommended a plan that has me already seeing drastic results. Dr. Bernardy really listens to you as a patient, and makes you feel that you and your feelings/concerns matter. She is very sincere, approachable, kind, knowledgeable, calm, and non judgmental. I really appreciate that my visits with her are never rushed and she is fully present. Her office is so calming, another reason I absolutely love and look forward to my visits! I cannot say enough wonderful things about Dr. Bernardy and her supportive care. One thousand percent highly recommend!

What a difference Dr. Bernardy has made in the quality of my life! Her thorough and comprehensive approach to treating me AS A WHOLE (instead of just my symptoms) is unparalleled. I feel better than I have in ages and I trust her knowledge and skills implicitly. I also bring my son to Dr. Bernardy and we couldn’t be happier with his care as well. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Bernardy to anyone looking to live their lives to the fullest and achieve optimal health.

Dr. Jessica Bernardy is a very compassionate person and is diligent in her practice. I felt I could trust her because she really listens to your concerns. Plus her knowledge in naturopathic medicine is very broad. I highly recommend her as I am a patient that gets nervous when I go to the Dr.

We started working with Dr. Bernardy when we were trying to conceive our first child. We were looking for a more comprehensive level of care than what you can get at a standard doctors office, and Dr. Bernardy definitely delivered. Her program included detailed information and a full blood panel, and she provided recommendations on things such as diet, supplements, environmental exposures and lifestyle factors. She also had great custom solutions for certain cycle issues we had been experiencing. One month after implementing her program we were pregnant! I cannot recommend her enough.

I could not be more grateful to have be a client of Dr. Bernardy’s. Never have I ever experienced a level of care, understanding, and empathy from any medical practitioner as I have with Dr. Bernardy. My husband and I got married in March of 2020 and started to try and have kids right away. At the time we were both 30 going on 31 and I would say overall live fairly healthy lifestyles. After 6 months of trying I reached out to my OB to see if they could do any preliminary testing and my OB said to contact them after a year of trying. I did so and it took a total of 2.5 months to do all the testing and we referred to an Infertility Specialist due to my AMH levels. I was referred in February of 2021 and didn’t receive a consultation from the infertility specialist until august 2021. By that time I had 2 miscarriages, no testing was done on any of my hormones. The infertility specialist ended up diagnosing me and my husband with “unexplained infertility” meaning we would only have a 4% chance every month of getting pregnant. The recommendation was to pursue IUI and IVF, both of which I would have to travel for which seemed to be so much more stress. I wanted to explore a more holistic approach before going the infertility route. If I did start infertility I wanted to make sure my body was in an optimal state to improve our low odds provided by the specialist. I heard one of Dr. Bernardy’s webinars in November of 2021 and it felt RIGHT to pursue. She looks at ALL components of you and your health. My husband and I had a consult with her and both of us immediately knew this was the route we were meant to take. Dr. Bernardy ordered and reviewed my lab work within 2 weeks of signing up for her program. I cried because I was overfilled with joy from the care and support she had shown in such minimal time. She has a comprehensive and amazing educational course to follow. I made sure to follow her detox and supplementation program to a tee. Throughout this process we found my estrogen and progesterone were low and my free cortisol was high. Along with following her food elimination and detox I also started to implement the self care and stress management techniques we discussed. Her bi-weekly group coaching offered such great support along the way. Within 3 months of working with Dr. Bernardy we were pregnant. Unfortunately my progesterone was still so low, we had our 3rd loss. Dr. Bernardy made sure I had the best care and support during this time and made sure I had my progesterone for when I was ready to try again. 1 month later we were pregnant! We really could not believe it until we had the ultrasound even though the nausea was telling me that I was indeed pregnant. We have now been pregnant with our little miracle for 4 months. I cannot begin to explain the joy and thankfulness that I get to carry and bring a child into this world all through natural intervention and positive lifestyle change. Dr. Bernardy there are not enough words that me and my husband can say to explain the blessing you have been to us on this journey! I will continue to share my story and hope other think to explore and ask why. We are continuing to work with Dr. Bernardy throughout my pregnancy and have the most trust and comfort with her!

Let me introduce myself and my story then and now.
My name is Nicole; I am 31 years old and I have no children. At the age of 23 I realized something was “wrong” with me and I was not able to conceive. My partner at the time, was on board for me to try whatever I needed to start a family. I seen a couple of doctors about options. Shortly after he passed away and my dreams of a family was shattered. I met my current partner 4 years ago. Going into the relationship I was completely honest about my situation because I knew he wanted children. Long story short, I seen a new doctor two years ago and he determined I have endometriosis. I was told my only option was insemination. We did not want to go that route. I have always considered myself healthy. I don’t eat out often, meal prep when I can and work out 3-5 times a week. I have had REALLY bad issues with my menstrual since my endometriosis procedure two years ago. My gyno always just gave me a birth control to stop it, and I am on and off birth control. I lost hope hearing different things from different doctors. Recently I was taken off work. I was completely stressed out, no sleep, throbbing headaches, eye switching, heart pounding in the middle of the night, anxiety/panic attacks at night, and my menstrual was at its worse (2-3 weeks, even a month). I was taken off work at the end of February this year. I knew I needed to focus on myself mentally and physically. My life is always on the go. I am a full-time county employee, on the board with a nonprofit and juggle coaching cheer three days a week. This was a break I needed, and I was going to take full advantage of my time off. In May, I came across Dr. Bernardy’s social media regarding a free presentation on Stress, Hormones and Fertility. By this time, mentally and physically I felt great. The last thing on my self-checklist was my menstrual. I was currently taking the birth control, but I was tired of “putting a band aide” to stop my periods. Something was wrong with my body and I still didn’t have the answers I needed. I signed up for her class in May. I loved all the information she gave, but the most important thing that I took from the entire presentation was when she said, “THERE STILL IS HOPE.” I setup the breakthrough call and immediately after that call, I knew this was the answer, SHE was the answer! What I liked most was, she wasn’t just going to put a band aide on my issue but find the core issue and help resolve it. I set up the wellness evaluation/call with my partner, her and I. He was completely understanding and supportive. We discussed a plan and agreed. After speaking with her, my ultimate goal wasn’t even to conceive, it was to make my body healthy first, and IF God willing, conceive once I have a heathy body (that would just be a perk of all this)! She made a valid point; how can I conceive a healthy baby if I wasn’t healthy myself? I am on week 7 of her plan. What I really like about the plan is I am constantly learning. The weekly videos have so much information and I have knowledge. At times I feel like I am in an online health class and have someone holding me accountable. Right now, I feel 110% better emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. I have taken her advice with little life changing things, like having a morning and night routine, and listening to meditation apps before bed. I stopped taking my birth control and my menstrual has been okay these last two months. The little changes have made a HUGE impact! I sleep a full 6, sometimes even up to 8-9 hours a night. Its amazing! I used to only sleep 3. I also had issues using the restroom and now, I cannot express how much my body has changed and I use the restroom regularly. I am ready to go back to work with a completely different mentality. My partner, family and friends have noticed a change in my weight and positive attitude. I do not regret investing money into my health. There isn’t a dollar amount knowing I have invested in my future.
Don’t give up, it’s not hard! With a little guidance, anyone can do it!
There still is hope! 😊

“We recently started seeing Dr. Bernardy when we moved into the area. We were looking for a pediatrician who had a more natural mind-set and I am so glad I stumbled upon Dr. Bernardy’s website in my search. Dr. Jess was so patient and friendly with our very active and inquisitive three year old at his visit. She was thorough in her examination and provided a food intolerance test which provided information of which we were never aware. I appreciate her knowledge in holistic treatment and her desire to get the entire body healthy from the inside out so it can do it’s best to stay that way. I highly recommend Dr. Bernardy to any family searching for a pediatrician or family doctor.”

If you would like to add your transformation story, please email me or write me through the form below. Telling people about our work together and sending your loved ones to me is the highest appreciation I can receive.

Deep Gratitude,
Dr. Jessica Bernardy