Gorgeous Green Smoothie

Gorgeous Green Smoothie


green smoothie


Give your body a natural folate boost with this smoothie. Getting your folate from foods, not supplements, is a good way to get the bio-available form of folate, an important fertility and pre-natal vitamin. This smoothie will also help balance your hormones, your skin glow from the inside out, your hair shine, and keep your heart healthy.  It has a good balance of vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, fat and protein keep you full until your next meal! You can add more sweetener or other greens that are in your fridge.

Serving size: 2, 2 cup smoothies


1 cup raw spinach

1 cup chopped raw kale

1/2 avocado

1 inch piece raw ginger

1 Tablespoon whole flax seeds

1/4 cup walnuts

2 dates, pitted

1 cup grass-fed cow or goat milk, or non-dairy milk (yogurt also works well)

2 cups filtered water

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately. 

Pro tip:

Have vegetables or avocados going bad? Prep them for future smoothies by chopping and de-skinning them and storing in the freezer. Lay out on a cookie sheet while freezing and then transfer into a ziploc bag.
